Bereavement Support

We are now offering Seasons for Growth groups for adults, parents and children aged 10 – 12 years.


Seasons for Growth Bereavement Support for Adults

There’s no way around grief and loss – sooner or later you just have to go through it. And rebuilding your life can be really difficult. It takes a lot of courage to live life as a griever.

But joining a group can help – learning that there is no “right way” to grieve, feeling comfortable and supported, forming bonds, sharing in a safe place, feeling less isolated and setting aside a time to reflect and to learn from others.

Find out more

Seasons for Growth Bereavement Support for Parents

Would you like some help in supporting your child after the death of someone they love?

The Seasons for Growth Parent Programme provides an opportunity for parents and carers to better understand the experience of death from a child’s perspective and to explore ideas and strategies they may wish to consider as they support their children.


Seasons for Growth Bereavement Support for Children and Young People

It can be really hard for children and young people to cope with a bereavement and to express their feelings.  They may not want to upset any other members of the family and so don’t acknowledge how they are feeling but their behaviour can tell a different story.

Joining a group and working through the Seasons for Growth programme can help them to talk about what has happened and to become more resilient.