Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid Week will take place this year from May 14th to 20th. Our Book Sale will be held from Thursday 18th to Saturday 20th May. The rota for helping during the sale or to set up and dismantle is in the church vestibule. Please leave your information there if you can help at any time. It would be great if you can help set up, help at the sale or help clear up …even for a short time!

All proceeds from the café on the 17th and 18th of May will go to Christian Aid. The café will also be open on the morning of Saturday 20th May for tea, coffee and scones.

Another way you can support Christian Aid at this time is to organise your own coffee morning or afternoon tea at home – inviting a few friends and asking them to make a donation to Christian Aid. Last year several people held a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

Anyone who needs invitations or collecting tins for this should contact Helen Smith or Jean MacSween.

Donation envelopes for Christian Aid will be available at the services on Sundays 14th and 21st May along with devotional cards with seven days of prayers and reflection.

The Christian Aid quiz will also be available to buy. This year each answer to the quiz will be either a flower or a plant.

Find out more at