For Prayer and Reflection

Some prayer suggestions and reflections for the month of November…..

27. Jesus bids us shine for all around Can you lighten the darkness for someone today?

28. Pray for that person you are finding it hardest to love.

29. Give thanks for poets and musicians who help us sing to the Lord a joyful song.

30. St Andrew -First to follow, ran to tell his brother, believed a wee boy’s picnic could start a miracle. May we, like him, rush to spread the Good News far and wide, believe in miracles and walk with Jesus all our lives.

And for December……

1 Give thanks for the Bread of Life, which takes away the sins of the world.
2 O come, thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by thine advent here;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death’s dark shadows put to flight.
3 Pray for all those in positions of authority, that they use their power wisely for the good and service of others.
4 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
5 Pray for all those who are suffering in body or in mind.
6 On St. Nicholas’ Day, be grateful for every small gift that life offers.
7 Thank the Lord for the wonders of creation.
8 Wait for the Lord, His day is near.
Wait for the Lord: keep watch, take heart.
9 Listen for the still small voice of God.
10 Pray for all those whose basic human rights have been taken away from them.
11 Take time to thank someone today for their love and friendship.
12 Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
13 Glorify God, using the words of the Magnificat, “Tell out my soul, the greatness of the Lord!”
14 Pray for all those who feel hopeless, that they might experience the peace of Christ.
15 Come now, O Prince of Peace, make us one body;
Come, O Lord Jesus, reconcile your people.
16 Pray for the continued fellowship of all who enjoy the Snowdrop Café.
17 Remember: The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.
18 Pray for all those who work for Strathcarron Hospice and bless the fund-raising concert this evening.
19 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
20 Pray for all those who work in education that they might enjoy a much-earned rest over the holiday period.
21 Remember and wonder at the “Birds of the air” on this, the day of the Robin.
22 As we begin this Christmas week, pray for those who are homeless this season and the work of charities such as Shelter.
23 Pray for all those working in the emergency services, that they may be able to find quality time to spend with their families.
24 Still the night, and prepare your heart for the coming of Christ.
25 Let us celebrate: “God surprises earth with heaven, coming here on Christmas Day.”
26 On the Feast of Stephen remember the words of the carol:
“Ye who now will bless the poor, shall yourself find blessing.”
27 During this week when Jews throughout the world are celebrating Hanukkah, let us pray for those persecuted because of their faith.
28 Pray for families and family relationships amongst all your friends.
29 Remember those who have gone before us and give thanks for their lives.
30 Pray that the new year may bring peace to the many war-torn lands.
31 Look back with thanksgiving on the year that has passed and look forward with hope for the year to come.

May God’s blessing surround you each day as you trust him and walk in his way.”