Our Charity Partnerships

We are pleased to be able to support other organisations in lots of different ways:

Falkirk Foodbank

We are a partnering church of Falkirk Foodbank and on the first Sunday of every month we collect donations for Falkirk Foodbank. The Foodbank depends on donations to meet an ever increasing need and believe no-one in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why they provide up to five days nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis.


The Vine Trust

Thanks to everyone for all the support, encouragement and donations which enabled us to make the trip to Tanzania in 2019 and our ongoing commitment to supporting the vital work there. It’s not just about building houses or planting trees, it’s also about building bridges and putting Christian love into action. You can read about our adventures here.

We continue to support the work of the Vine Trust and you can find out more about their work here.

We would like to send another work party from Trinity Church out to Kazunzu in 2023. Please think about whether you could be part of this exciting venture!


Christian Aid

Christian Aid Week 14 – 21 May

find out more